A Sell Sheet is a one-page document that displays your book cover, sums up the content, highlights endorsements and provides all the necessary information for bookstore ordering.

 A printed Sell Sheet should always accompany a book submission to a review organization or a bookstore. We highly recommend that you contact stores you think might be interested in carrying your book, but please check their guidelines (most have them online) before mailing or delivering.

 The Sell Sheet Plus service includes a digital version of your Sell Sheet, and we send these out to all the bookstores and libraries in your target state.

The Sell Sheet Plus service also includes an individually crafted press release to be sent to your state’s media organizations. Please work with your Team Leader to ensure that he/she has all the pertinent information.

 Additionally, we include five targeted emails from a Mission Point Press email to media organizations or bookstores. You may want to target your local media, local stores, or reach out to a market where you think your book would fit well. Mission Point Press will work with you to choose these targets and craft the personal introduction. A Mission Point Press Marketer will provide contact information for these five targets, and you should follow up with them with a phone call or email within a week.

 All authors who order Sell Sheets will be included on our website under MPP AUTHORS. The listing will be ordered by genre. We will include the book cover, a short description and a link to the Sell Sheet. You may use this link in your publicity.

To print any of the Author Resources, right click on the guide and select “print.” If you need additional help, ask your team leader to email the guide to you as an attachment.