How to Format Your Manuscript for Editorial and Design

Please choose one standard font (like Times), and use that font for everything. Do not use bold anywhere except in chapter titles or subheads.

Please don’t use ALL CAPS either.

Use a tab (not spaces) to indent new paragraphs.

Please do not leave blank lines in between paragraphs unless that is a break in the text, and in that case, please indicate breaks with

blank line

* * *

blank line

You may also leave blank lines and >>>>>>> quote >>>>>>> to indicate block quotes, letters, etc. You will need to do this to close the quote as well.

Please left-align your text (no justification). With a left-alignment, you should notice when you accidentally break a sentence and can correct that before design.

Please include page numbers.

As a guide to the editor, please number each chapter and start each chapter on a new page.

If your text includes images, please number all the images. Then, in the text of your Word doc., please indicate the image placement thus:

blank line

>>>>>>>>> Photo XX. Caption: XXXXX. >>>>>>>>>>>>

blank line

Finally, remove all images from your Word doc before sending to your team leader or editor.

Images can be gathered in a folder and sent to your team leader via a free online application like WeTransfer.

If all of your images are to be placed in a single section in the book, then include the captions as Word doc. in the image folder.

Thank you!