marketing skills assessment
Here are some questions to consider as baseline criteria for taking part in the social media program:
Do you feel comfortable posting to Instagram and Facebook or do you have someone who will be able to do it for you?
Yes - Good to go
No - They should not use the program
Do you have access to a camera or a camera phone and are you comfortable taking pictures?
Yes - Good to go
No - Potentially not a good fit for the program, unless they have access to already created photos or graphics or they are willing to get a camera or borrow one.
Have you already created social media accounts for yourself and have you posted to it?
Yes - Good to go
Some - Possibly a good fit for the program
No - Probably not a good fit for the program unless they create one and try to post to it.
Do you use social media on a somewhat regular basis or have someone who is able to use social media on your behalf?
Yes - Good to go
I use it, but not regularly - Possibly a good fit for the program if they are willing to invest more time.
No - Probably not a good fit for the program
What are you hoping to get out of the social media program?
I want to be rich and famous - Potentially not a good fit, social media will help get your name in front of people and can increase sales, but it will not be the thing that turns you into JK Rowling. They will ultimately be unhappy with the program.
I want to talk to my fans and build a stronger fan base - Good fit for the program.
I want to increase sales for by book and build a community around a theme in my book - Good fit for the program
How much time do you want to spend on social media every week?
Less than one hour - Not a good fit for the program
1-2 hours per week - A good fit for the program, but possibly lead them towards tier 1.
2+ hours per week - A good fit for the program
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